: Missouri DWI Defense Attorney

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FAQ | Missouri DWI Lawyers | Missouri MIP Lawyers

Our traffic law defense lawyers represent and defend drivers charged with Missouri traffic law violations in traffic courts across the State of Missouri.  Click Here for our map and directory of Missouri Circuit Courts.

We handle all types of Missouri traffic law violations.  We provide experienced traffic law defense for drivers charged with Missouri speeding tickets, careless and imprudent driving (C&I), stop sign violatIons, failure to yield, driving while suspended, driving while revoked, and leaving the scene of an accident (hit and run), to name a few.

We represent drivers charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI), driving under the influence (DUI) and drunk driving, providing top-notch legal defense to both criminal charges and administrative actions for driver license suspension and revocation arising out of  alcohol-related traffic arrests.  Click Here to go to our DWI section.

We are asked Missouri traffic law questions everyday and love to answer them. 
This page contains many of the questions we are asked most frequently and the answers to those questions. 

If you have a question you don't see on this page (or would just prefer to talk directly to an experienced Missouri traffic law attorney and have your questions answered one-on-one), Click Here for a FREE consultation with a Missouri traffic law attorney at

FAQ Page

Table of Contents

Missouri Traffic Law FAQ

Missouri Department of Revenue Information and Related FAQ

Alcohol Convictions Information Administrative Alcohol Arrests and Administrative Hearings Chemical Test Refusal Information Abuse and Lose Information



Q:  I was just arrested for DWI / DUI / Drunk Driving.  What now?
    A: CLICK HERE to be taken to our Missouri DWI / DUI / Drunk Driving section for detailed information about DWI criminal charges, administrative license suspension / revocation actions, SATOP, field sobriety testing, breath alcohol testing, and much more.

Q:  What effect can the new Minor in Possession (MIP) "Possession by Consumption" law have on my license?  Is my license going to be suspended or revoked?
    A:  CLICK HERE for information about MIssouri's new MIP law.


Q: Can hiring a Missouri traffic lawyer at keep me from getting "points" on my driver's license?
    A: In most cases, YES, traffic lawyers can keep "points" from being assessed against your license for speeding tickets and other moving violation tickets for Missouri traffic law violations.
To find out if we can keep points from being assessed against YOUR license, CLICK HERE now to request a free consultation with an experienced Missouri traffic law defense attorney and an attorney fee quote.

Q: How much will it cost for me to hire a lawyer at to represent me on my Missouri speeding ticket or other Missouri traffic law violation?
    A: CLICK HERE Our fees start at $49.00.

Q: What do I need to do to hire a lawyer at to handle my Missouri speeding ticket, DWI / DUI / Drunk Driving case or other ticket for a Missouri traffic law violation?

Q: Why should I hire a traffic lawyer to handle my Missouri speeding ticket or other Missouri moving violation ticket for a traffic law violation?
    A: Because, in Missouri, speeding tickets and all other Missouri traffic law violations are crimes that can result in serious legal and financial consequences. Conviction of a moving violation in Missouri will result in  "POINTS" being assessed against your license.

Q: Why us?  Why should I hire a Missouri traffic law attorney at instead of some other website?
    A: CLICK HERE to find out more about hiring a lawyer for your traffic ticket.

Q: Can I afford to hire a lawyer?
    A: The question should be, "Can you really afford not to hire a lawyer."

Q: If I hire a lawyer at, will I still have to go to court?
    A: If you hire a lawyer at, one of our Missouri traffic law attorneys will enter his or her appearance with the court on your behalf and, for most Missouri speeding tickets and tickets for other Missouri traffic law violations, you will not have to physically appear in court.

Q: Can I hire a lawyer at without having to go to a lawyer’s office?
    A: In most cases, you can hire a lawyer at to handle your Missouri speeding ticket or tickets for other Missouri traffic law violations without ever having the inconvenience of coming to our office.

Q: Can hiring a lawyer at keep my insurance rates from going up?
    A: The assessment of "points" against your Missouri Driver License or out-of-state license can result in your insurance rates going up. Ask your insurance agent to be sure. In most cases, the lawyers at are able to keep "points" from being assessed against your license as a result of Missouri speeding tickets and tickets for other Missouri traffic law violations.

Q: What are "points"?
    A: Missouri has a "Point System" for the suspension and revocation of drivers’ licenses. Conviction of almost all traffic law violations will result in the assessment of Points toward the suspension and/or revocation of your drivers’ license. Points go on your drivers’ record. For more information on Missouri’s "Point System" CLICK HERE

Q: Will I have to pay fines and court costs?
    A: In most Missouri speeding ticket and other other Missouri traffic law violation cases, you will have to pay fines and courts costs. The "pay date" is assigned by the court. The "pay date" is the date by which all fines and court costs must be paid. Usually, the "pay date" is set 2-6 weeks after the court date. However, it always is a good idea to be prepared to pay all fines and court costs by your court date.

Q: How much will it cost me to hire a lawyer at to handle my Missouri speeding ticket, DWI / DUI / Drunk Driving case or other Missouri traffic law violation?
    A: CLICK HERE for a list of our rates

Q: What other kinds of cases can the lawyers at help me with besides Missouri speeding ticket, Missouri DWI / DUI / Drunk Driving or other Missouri traffic law violations?
    A: CLICK HERE to see the other types of cases that we handle in Missouri

Click Here for links to the latest Missouri DWI /DUI and drunk driving news stories and articles

Click Here for links to the latest Missouri DW I /DUI and drunk driving news stories articles

To be taken to our National DWI / DUI and Drunk Driving News Links page, CLICK HERE.

Missouri Department of Revenue FAQ Links

Drivers Licensing FAQ

DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) FAQ

Alcohol Convictions Information

Administrative Alcohol Arrests

Chemical Test Refusal FAQ

Abuse and Lose FAQ

Administrative Alcohol Arrests FAQ*

Click Here for more info on Reinstatement Requirements and Missouri's Limited Driving Privilege.

Failure to Appear in Court or Pay for Traffic Violation (FACT) and Lieu of Bail FAQ*

Mandatory Insurance FAQ*

Missouri Insurance Monitoring Program FAQ*

Tickets and Points FAQ*

*these links will take you to the Missouri Department of Revenue site

Missouri traffic law violation summons ticket | Missouri Traffic Law Attorneys
Missouri Speeding Ticket Lawyers | All Traffic Law Violations | DWI Lawyers | MIP Lawyers

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Copyright © 1999-2009 All rights reserved. This web site, and all information contained in this web site, is for general informational purposes only. This web site is not intended to be a substitute for specific legal advice about any legal case or matter, or to provide legal advice regarding any specific cases or legal matters, but only to provide general information regarding services offered. Your accessing, viewing, use, or response to this web site does not create an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship is created only upon our acceptance of your case after consultation and your full payment of attorney's fees and your agreement to pay fines and court costs in a timely manner.