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The SATOP Assessment Screening Process

The SATOP Written Test, the SATOP Interview and the SATOP Screening Recommendation to a Program Level

Missouri law requires that when a person's driver license has been suspended or revoked by the Department of Revenue by reason of a DWI / DUI arrest, the person must participate in and successfully complete Missouri's Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program (SATOP).

This page provides detailed information about Missouri's SATOP assessment screening process; the SATOP written test and the SATOP interview.

SATOP (Missouri's Substance Abuse Traffic Offenders Program)


The SATOP Screening Process

The Written Test:
Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II)

The Interview:

Individualized Interview with a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (QSAP)

The Screening Recommendation:

Referral to a SATOP Program

The Six SATOP Program Levels

Fairness of SATOP Screening and Referrals

(Missouri's Official Position)


The SATOP Screening Process

The first part of the SATOP process is an assessment screening of the driver's alcohol and substance use as it relates to their driving behavior.  Based on the results of the SATOP assessment screening, the driver is recommended to a specific SATOP program level; either education, intervention, or rehabilitation.  There are six different SATOP program levels which may be recommended.  Each of the six SATOP program levels are described below in Part Two. 

The screening assessment is conducted at a certified SATOP Offender Management Unit (OMU) by a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (QSAP).  Click here for a complete list off all certified SATOP OMU's in Missouri (listed alphabetically by County and City).  The driver may chose any approved OMU and must contact an OMU to make an appointment for an initial screening


Upon arrival at the OMU for the initial screening appointment, the driver must pay a $126 "Screening Fee" and a $249 "Supplemental Fee" ($375 total).  The assessment screening consists of the following:

1.  Department of Revenue Missouri Driver History Record Check (conducted by the OMU);

2.  Completion of the Missouri Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II) (written test); and

3.  An Individualized Interview with a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (QSAP).


The Written Test:

Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II)


The Driver Risk Inventory II (DRI-II) is a test designed by Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. specifically for DWI / DUI offender assessment.   The test booklet contains 140 items; 84 true or false questions and 56 multiple choice questions.  The DRI-II is written at a 5th or 6th grade reading level.  It usually takes 20-25 minutes to complete. 

The DRI-II test contains six (6) different scales designed to measure the following:

Truthfulness Scale: This scale is designed to measure how truthful the driver was while completing the DRI-II. It is intended to detect denial and identifies attempts to try and fake good.

Alcohol Scale: This scale is designed to measures alcohol (beer, wine and other liquor) use and abuse. It is intended to measure the severity of alcohol abuse while identifying alcohol-related problems.

Drugs Scale: This scale is designed to measure the severity of illicit drug (marijuana, crack, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates and heroin) use and abuse while identifying drug-related problems.

Substance Abuse/Dependency Scale
: This scale uses American Psychiatric Association diagnostic criteria (DSM-IV) to classify substance abuse or substance dependency.

Driver Risk Scale: This scale is designed to measure driver risk independent of substance (alcohol or other drugs) use or abuse. This scale presumes that some people are simply dangerous drivers.

Stress Coping Abilities Scale: This scale is designed to measure the driver's ability to cope effectively with stress on the theory that stress exacerbates symptoms of emotional and mental health problems.

The DRI-II report has three sections.  Section 1 begins with a demographic sub-section, setting forth the driver's name, age, gender, ethnicity, education, and marital status.  Also in Section 1 is a graph setting forth the driver's DRI-II scale scores and corresponding DRI-II profile. The graph summarizes the driver's performance on the test.  The third item in Section 1 is a "Supplemental Information" sub-section that sets forth the driver's self-reported driver history.

Section 2 of the DRI-II report consists of six (6) paragraphs, each containing a summary of the driver's scale scores for each of the six (6) scales: Truthfulness Scale, Dependency/Abuse Classification, Alcohol Scale, Driver Risk Scale and the Drugs Scale.  Each paragraph contains an explanation of what the scale score means and sets forth specific scale score related recommendations.  Following the scale score paragraphs is a " Significant Items" sub-section which lists "direct admissions" or "unusual answers" given by the driver for the Alcohol Scale, Drugs Scale, and Driver Risk Scale.

Section 3 of the DIR-II report contains the answers selected by the driver to the multiple choice questions .  There is a space in Section 3 for staff member's comments, recommendations and signature. The report ends with a reproduction of the driver's answers to all the DRI-II items.


The Interview:

Individualized Interview with a

Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (QSAP)


The second step of the SATOP driver assessment screening process is a face-to-face interview with a Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (QSAP).  The SATOP individualized interview usually takes about 20-30 minutes.  During the interview, the QSAP asks questions intended to confirm or clarify information on the DIR-II report.  According to the Division of Mental Health, an individualized interview is the core of the screening process...and is critical in the development of the offender referral to either education or rehabilitation."  The following are some of the items to be considered by the QSAP during the interview:

1. The DIR-II report;

2. The Dept. of Revenue report;

3. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at the time of arrest;

4. Driver's prior treatment history;

5. The existence, nature and extent of the driver's social, legal, and/or family problems; and

6. The driver's physical appearance at the time of the interview.


The Screening Recommendation:

Referral to a SATOP Program


The Qualified Substance Abuse Professional (QSAP) who interprets the DIR-II report and conducts the individualized interview of the driver makes a professional judgment, taking into account the criteria established by the Department, as to what level of SATOP is most appropriate; either education, intervention, or rehabilitation.  The QSAP then recommends the driver attend an appropriate SATOP program level and refers the driver that level of SATOP. The driver then must attend and successfully complete the recommended SATOP program.

The factors a QSAP is to take into account when evaluating a driver and making a SATOP program level recommendation include, but are not limited to, the following:

1.  The DIR-II test results;

2.  The driver's Missouri Driver History (driving record);

3.  The driver's BAC at the time of the arrest;

4.  The QSAP's interpretation of the individualized interview;

5.  The driver's prior alcohol or drug treatment history;

6.  The existence, nature and extent of the driver's social, personal, and/or legal problems;

7.  The driver's physical appearance at the time of the interview.


The Six SATOP Program Levels


The are six (6) different SATOP program levels. The following is a brief description of each of the six (6) different SATOP program levels.


1. Offender Education Program (OEP)

SATOP's Offender Education Program (OEP) is a 10-hour education course designed specifically to assist lower risk, first-time offenders in understanding the choices they made that led to their intoxication and arrest. The course is premised on the idea that education is key to helping first-time offenders take responsibility for their actions.  Click Here for more information on SATOP's Offender Education Program (OEP).

2. Adolescent Diversion Education Program (ADEP)

SATOP's Adolescent Diversion Education Program (ADEP) is an education program for minors who may have received Abuse/Lose, Minor in Possession, or Zero Tolerance offenses.  Click Here for more information on SATOP's Adolescent Diversion Education Program (ADEP).

3. Weekend Intervention Program (WIP)

SATOP's Weekend Intervention Program (WIP) is a program level designed for repeat offenders or "high risk" first-time offenders. The WIP uses intensive education and counseling intervention methods over a marathon weekend of structured activities. The program is conducted in a restrictive environment.  Click Here for more information on SATOP's Weekend Intervention Program (WIP).

4. Clinical Intervention Program (CIP)

SATOP's Clinical Intervention Program (CIP) is a 50-hour outpatient counseling program consisting of individual counseling, group counseling, and group education. Ten hours must address DWI/DUI issues.  Click Here for more information on SATOP's Clinical Intervention Program (CIP).

5. Youth Clinical Intervention (YCIP)

SATOP's Youth CLinical Intervention Program (YCIP) is designed for minors who have been identified through the screening process as having serious problems with substance abuse.  Click Here for more information on SATOP's Youth Clinical Intervention Program (YCIP).

6. Traditional Treatment:

Individuals presenting for SATOP services having multiple alcohol or drug related traffic offenses, or those identified through the screening process as being at a “high risk” for chemical dependency, may receive a recommendation for more traditional treatment. Individuals may also choose, for a variety of reasons, to complete a traditional treatment program. This treatment may be in the form of a residential program or an intensive outpatient program but must be completed at a state certified, or nationally accredited, substance abuse treatment program.  Click Here for more information on Traditional Treatment options provided by the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse.


Fairness of SATOP Screening and Referrals

(Missouri's Official Position)


From the Missouri Division of Mental Health on SATOP screening: 

"Standards clearly indicate that screening recommendations shall be impartial and solely based on the needs of the offender and the welfare of society.  QSAP recommendations cannot be used as a means of "case finding" for any specific program or as a marketing tool for any SATOP program. Programs violating this provision can face probation and/or revocation of certification. Cooperation in this area by an OMU is essential to assure the integrity of SATOP statewide. Failure to be objective in all cases may jeopardize the future of the OMU to continue this service. Division staff will closely monitor agency referrals and recommend any necessary disciplinary action."


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