: Missouri DWI Defense Attorney

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Marion County, Missouri Judicial Circuit 10

Marion County Speeding Ticket Lawyers
Marion County DUI / DWI Defense Lawyers

From simple Speeding Ticket defense where "no points" is the goal to felony DUI / DWI defense where your freedom is at stake, the lawyers at can handle it.

Marion County, Missouri Judicial Circuit 10

Marion County Courthouse
100 S. Main, Palmyra, Missouri 63461 (District 1)
906 Broadway, Hannibal, Missouri 63401 (District 2

Robert M. Clayton II, Presiding Judge
Marion County Courthouse
906 Broadway, Hannibal, Missouri 63401
telephone (573) 221-0579
facsimile (573) 221-0366

John J. Jackson, Associate Circuit Judge
Marion County Courthouse
Hannibal telephone (573) 221-0207
Palmyra telephone (573) 769-2318
facsimile (573) 221-0945

Law Days for District I at Palmyra, Missouri:
The first Wednesday of each month, with civil matters noticed at 9 a.m. and criminal matters noticed at 9:30 a.m.

Term Days for District I at Palymyra, Missouri:
The first Wednesday in February; first Wednesday in June; and first Wednesday in November.

Law Days for District II at Hannibal, Missouri:
The first Monday of each month -- criminal law day; the first Friday of each month -- civil law day;
the third Tuesday of each month -- 9 a.m. civil law day -- 1:30 p.m. criminal law day.

Term Days for District II at Hannibal, Missouri:
The first Friday in January; the first Friday in April; the first Friday in July; and the first Friday in October.

Hours of Court: Circuit Court shall convene, unless otherwise ordered, as follows:
8:30 a.m. for adoption proceedings;
8 a.m. counsel and parties for jury trials;
8:30 a.m. jury panel to assemble for jury trials;
8 a.m. for non-jury trials;
9 a.m. Term Days and Law Days (civil) -- 9:30 a.m. (criminal)

Court Rules: 10th Circuit Local Court Rules available from the Circuit Clerk.

General Information:
Clerk's Offices
John Yancey, Circuit Clerk, District 1
Post Office Box 392, Palmyra, MO 63461
telephone (573)769-2550
facsimile (573) 769-6012

Carolyn Conners, Circuit Clerk, District 2
906 Broadway, Hannibal, MO 63401
telephone (573)221-0198
facsimile (573)221-9328

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